

Tuesday 24 February 2015


Gospel of the Horns formed in 1993, consisting of Howitzer [Mark 'Coz' Costello] on drums, Shane Transvaal D on vocals and original bassist, Anton (who never recorded with the band) and later, Hellbutcher joined (guitars, bass). In late 1994 the band released their first tape demo, 'The Satanist's Dream', which led to a record deal with Einstand Records. The label intended to press the demo to CD, but the final product contained many mistakes, such as incorrect layouts and a photo of another band in the booklet. To this day, the band refuses to include the CD version of the demo in their discography, because of the aforementioned mistakes by the record label.

In 1996, the band broke up, and founding member Mark Howitzer relocated to Melbourne. For a period of time, he played drums for fellow black metallers Deströyer 666, even featuring on their 1997 album, 'Unchain the Wolves'. 1997 saw Gospel of the Horns reform under Howitzer's guidance. The 1997 line-up consisted of Howitzer on vocals (and handling all lyrical matters), Marauder [Ryan Speight] on guitar, and Warhammer [Peter Martin] playing drums. In May 1998 the band's second demo, 'Sinners', was recorded and released independently. At this stage, the band decided to sign a deal with Dutch label, Damnation Records, that would include a mini-LP and full-length release.

Shortly after the release of 'Sinners', Warhammer was replaced by Obliterator. A deal with the record label Morbid Productions resulted in the release of the 7" EP 'Monuments of Impurity'. The EP contains three tracks, of which one is a cover of the Mortal Sin song "Blood, Death, Hatred".

Following the release of their first EP, in 1999 Obliterator was replaced by ex-Bestial Warlust drummer, Hellcunt. A year later, Gospel of the Horns had material to record their mini-LP, 'Eve of the Conqueror' through Damnation Records. In July to August 2000, the band embarked on their first tour of Europe, playing alongside bands such as Pentacle, Enthroned, Primordial, and Thus Defiled. Countries included in the tour were the Netherlands, France, Belgium, England, and Ireland. The band also participated in the Stonehenge Festival in the Netherlands.

Returning from the European tour, the band recruited a second guitarist, Chris Masochist. In September 2001, the band recorded their follow-up LP, 'A Call to Arms', at St. Andrews Studio. However, due to financial problems, the band could not fulfil their deal with Damnation Records, and so the album was released through Invictus Productions. In June 2005, Marauder left to start his own band, Funerary Pit. An Australian tour for Gospel of the Horns with Swedish band Dismember followed. In 2006, Trench Hell guitarist, Hexx [Shannon Hush], joined the band. In 2007 the next full-length album 'Realm of the Damned' was released.

In January 2007 the band split up, but reformed two weeks later. The new line-up was essentially the same except for Marauder's rejoining and Hexx's departure. In June 2008 the band performed in Seattle. In September 2009 Gospel of the Horns played their "last ever shows in Europe" in the Netherlands, Germany and Ireland (Dublin). Though the band had announced that they will play their last show on 7 December 2008, supporting Swedish death metal band Grave, at Melbourne's Corner Hotel, they performed alongside Japan's Coffins in September 2010 in their Melbourne live show. Shane Transvaal D died in 2011.


Howitser "Coz" (bass, vocals), Markus Hellcunt (drums), Masochist (guitar), Marauder (guitar), Hellbutcher "Death Dealer" (guitar, bass), Shane Davidson "Transvaal D'" (vocals),
Warhammer (drums), BM Obliterator (drums), Hexx (guitar)



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